When you buy a bowling ball, you need to buy at least three things, that is, a ball, shoes, and a bag. And you need to know the difference between using your own ball and using a public ball, and then you need to decide the ball path! Different balls have different drills.
In terms of weight, it is recommended to choose a ball that is about 0.5-1.0 pounds heavier than the ball you usually get in the arena. These should be considered before entering the ball store. The value of a ball is completely determined by the drill. Whether the hole is good or bad, when you are worrying about the price and brand of the ball, it is best to first determine whether the person who helps you drill is proficient in technology (how is the ball skill?), and whether there is research on the way you want to play, If the conversation is good, don’t worry about the rest, he will take you into the situation step by step.
Don’t be too hasty in buying a ball! Four elements that should be considered:
1. The ball path you want to play (the choice of the center of gravity of the ball);
2. The speed of the ball is not fast when playing (this determines whether the quality of the ball needs to be hard or soft);
3. Your height and weight (the weight of the ball);
4. Your budget (this is related to the price of the ball).
If you really want to play the ball well, you really need to buy a ball, but you don’t need to buy the best ball for the first time. In addition, if you are playing a curve ball, you can also consider buying mechanical gloves and talcum powder. Mechanical gloves are a must for those who play curveball.